Mar 22 – 26, 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone


Organisation & Programme Committee (OPC)


Affiliation & Position

Pedro Alberto University of Coimbra
Local Host
Florian Berberich PRACE aisbl
Serge Bogaerts PRACE aisbl
Chair of the OPC
Pascale Bernier-Bruna ETP4HPC, ATOS
François Bodin EXDCI-2 Scientific Director
Vice-Chair of the OPC
Evangelos Floros EuroHPC JU
Renata Giménez BSC
Troels Haugbølle NBI
Chair of the PRACE User Forum
Silke Lang PRACE aisbl
Laura Grigori INRIA Paris, Alpines group, joint with Laboratoire J.L. Lions, Sorbonne University
Vice-Chair of the PRACE SSC
Lee Margetts University of Manchester
Chair of the PRACE IAC
Marjolein Oorsprong PRACE aisbl
Matej Praprotnik National Institute of Chemistry/University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
Chair of the PRACE SSC
Sinéad Ryan Trinity College Dublin, Member of EuroHPC Infrastructure Advisory Group (INFRAG)
Veronica Teodor PRACE PMO, FZ Jülich
Vice-Chair of the OPC

PRACE Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)

Name Field Country
Marina Bécoulet Plasma physicists / Fusion France
Luigi Del Debbio Particle Physics United Kingdom
Claudia Filippi Electronic Structure / Multiscale Modelling The Netherlands
Alice-Agnes Gabriel Seismology Germany
Laura Grigori (Vice-Chair) Numerical Mathematics / HPC France
Roderic Guigo Genome Spain
Christian Holm Statistical Physics Germany
Heiner Igel Signal Processing in Earth Observation+H12:L12 Germany
Núria López Computational Chemistry Spain
Mathieu Luisier Electrical Engineering / Nanotechnology Switzerland
Michela Milano Informatics Italy
Tim Palmer Climate Physics United Kingdom
Mike Payne Computational Physics United Kingdom
Silvia Picozzi Materials Italy
Jean Philippe Piquemal Chemistry / Materials Science France
Matej Praprotnik (Chair) Chemistry / Multiscale Modelling Slovenia
Nathalie Reuter Computational Biology & Chemistry Norway
Sinéad Ryan Particle Physics / Mathematics Ireland
Mathieu Salanne Electrolytes France
Doros Theodorou Computational Physics Greece
Xiaoxiang Zhu Signal Processing in Earth Observations Germany

 PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC)

Name Field Country Organisation
Henri Calandra Oil / Gas France TOTAL - CSTJF
Enric Gibert (Vice-Chair) Life Sciences / Pharma Spain PHARMACELERA
Tomi Ilijaš Engineering / Manufacturing/SMEs Slovenia Arctur
Eric Landel Automotive / Transport France Renault Technocentre
Lee Margetts (Chair) ISV United Kingdom NAFEMS
Alejandro Marti Environmental Services (SME) Spain Mitiga Solutions, S.L.
Marc Morere Aeronautics / Aerospace France Airbus

PRACE Board of Directors (BoD)


Affiliation & Position

Serge Bogaerts Chair of the BoD
Managing Director PRACE aisbl
Florian Berberich PRACE Operations Director
Maria Grazia Giuffreda ETH Zurich / CSCS
Matej Praprotnik National Institute of Chemistry/University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Chair of the PRACE SSC
Oriol Pineda BSC
Philippe Segers GENCI
Debora Testi CINECA

Project Management Office (PMO)


 Affiliation & Position

Thomas Eickermann FZ Jülich
Project Coordinator
Veronica Teodor FZ Jülich
Project Manager
Janina Liebmann FZ Jülich
Project Assistant
Dirk Brömmel FZ Jülich
Technical Advisor

PRACE User Forum


Affiliation & Position

Koen Hillewaert Centre de recherche en Aéronautique (Cenaero)
Troels Haugbølle University of Copenhagen
Chair of the PRACE User Forum
Marc Baaden CNRS
Carmen Domene King's College London
Turlough Downes Dublin City University
Derek Groen Brunell University London
Vice-Chair of the PRACE User Forum
Maria-Teresa Parra University of Valladolid
William Sellers University of Manchester
Gabriel Staffelbach Cerfacs
Jorge Vieira Instituto Superior Técnico
Gustavo Yepes Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM)

Logistics Team


Affiliation & Position

Pascale Bernier-Bruna ET4HPC, ATOS
Emilie Germetz Neovia Innovation
Renata Giménez BSC
Raluca Hodoroaba ETH Zurich / CSCS
Silke Lang PRACE aisbl
Corentin Lefevre Neovia Innovation
Tiina Leiponen CSC
Neea Karsten CSC
Alenka Maffi University of Ljubljana
Mateja Maffi University of Ljubljana
Marjolein Oorsprong PRACE aisbl
Veronica Teodor FZ Jülich