[NOTE: this course consists of 3 online sessions spread over a period of 2 weeks. Please read the details below.]


This course is a follow-up to our introductory Blender course. We assume you are familiar with working with Blender and have some experience with topics such as the Blender UI, 3D meshes, materials, lighting and cameras.

In this course you will learn a number of advanced Blender topics:

* The basics of the Python API that is available in Blender. You will learn how the API is structured and eventually start making some simple geometry with code. This can be used, for example, for writing custom import scripts or to perform operations that you would otherwise do manually.

* The node-based shader editor that is used to create and edit materials. In our introductory Blender course we did go into detail on materials, but without describing the node-based shader networks that are the basis of materials. Here, we go deeper into these node network and how to edit them.

* More advanced animation topics, such as shape keys.

Another important part of the course is that you will work on a visualisation based on your own research or other endeavours.

Course duration

The basis of the course is self-paced training during the two-week course period, using course materials that we provide. These consist of videos and exercises. During the course period you can work on the materials in your own pace. We provide a Discord communication channel with the course teachers that you can use for questions and feedback during the course. We use a small number of online plenary sessions spread over the indicated two-week period, beginning with an introductory webinar and two follow-up feedback sessions. These are used to discuss your projects and make sure you are able to make progress.

Your own project and data

To get the most out of the course we would like you to use a dataset from your work (or sample thereof) that you want to use for visualisation with Blender. Alternatively, we have a back-up dataset to work with, but it most likely will originate from a different scientific domain than your own. So please collect some data you think would be great to make 3D visualisations of and that you are comfortable with.

During the online sessions we would like you to present your visualisation goals, your data, and your progress at making a visualisation with Blender. During the interactive moments our visualisation team will help you further with your specific project and challenges.

All the contents and more detailed information

More information will be available soon!



  • Basic knowledge of Blender: getting around the interface, making and adding geometry, some basics on materials
  • Basic knowledge of Python
  • An idea and/or some data for your own project to work on during the course.

Required course setup:

  • Computer with Blender 2.92 installed
  • Account with Discord to join the chat and webinar server

Level of course materials

  • 0% Basic
  • 33.4% Intermediate
  • 66.6% Advanced