Mar 22 – 24, 2022
Europe/Brussels timezone


PRACE & ETP4HPC Workshop on HPC Education and Training - Industry Perspectives

Mar 24, 2022, 4:30 PM
Room 1

Room 1


PRACE & ETP4HPC Workshop on HPC Education and Training - Industry Perspectives: Panel Session #2: Skills needs and collaboration with stakeholders across the HPC value chain

  • Simon Wong (Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC))


Panel Session #2: Skills needs and collaboration with stakeholders across the HPC value chain

Workshop Description

There is a growing ambition to develop globally competitive European HPC technologies together with scientific but also industrial uses. It is also a major strategic objective of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU), which is hugely dependent upon nurturing the right skills and talent to innovate. A previous workshop focused on skills development for industry end-users of HPC. There has been a recognised need to also examine the education and training landscape in the context of industry that supply and/or develop HPC technology, i.e. what skills are needed to make new European breakthroughs in HPC technology. Moreover, there are ample opportunities where this industry sector can play a larger role in developing the skills of the end-user community. Therefore this workshop aims to reflect and discuss potential activities that will lead to better planning of education and training for industry from HPC technology supply to HPC use.

The workshop will consists of a mix of short presentations and panel discussions from key stakeholders across industry and other HPC technology/training organisations. The topics at the workshop should encompass:
• Methods to engage with industry, e.g. to capture/monitor skills needs
• Industry training success stories
• Lessons learnt from past approaches and activities
• Industry expectations now and future, from hard to soft skills
• How to build different career paths with the support of HPC education
• What are suitable curricula and formats
• Collaboration with supply chain industry for educating/training end-users
• Other perspectives from the speakers

The workshop welcomes all HPC training stakeholders - from training providers/funders to industry representatives who are training target audiences.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Fabrizio Magugliani (Strategic Planning And Business Development E4 Computer Engineering Spa, ETP4HPC), Henri Calandra (Expert Numerical Methods And High Performance Computing Total Energies, PRACE IAC), Maria-Ribera Sancho, Pascal Bouvry, Zoe Cournia (Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens)
3/24/22, 4:30 PM
3/24/22, 4:50 PM
Building timetable...