All the PATC courses at BSC are free of charge.
Course Convener: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC
Course Lecturer: Sergi More Codina, BSC System Administration Coordinator - Operations
Objectives: Explain the different components that MareNostrum 4 is composed, which were the design decisions taken and why.
Explain how the system administration is taken in this Petaflop system.
Learning Outcomes: The students will learn how MareNostrum 4 is organized and how it works. This can have some insights and ideas about how to manage clusters of thousands of nodes in a HPC or no-HPC environment.
Level: INTERMEDIATE, for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course.
Prerequisites: Experience on Linux system administration is required.
Lecturer: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC
Further information:
In the context of virtual meetings, the Organiser may facilitate live webstreaming and audio recording. You have the option to opt out of inclusion in recordings by contacting our Education&Training team.
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For further details about Postgraduate Studies in UPC - Barcelona School of Informatics (FiB), visit the website
Sponsors: BSC and PRACE 6IP project are funding the PATC @ BSC training events.
If you want to learn more about PRACE Project, visit the website.