Scientific Program


Day 1 (Friday March, 25th)

Session 1 / 9:30am – 1:00 pm (1h lectures, 2h practical, with a pair of short breaks)

All (presential (C6-102) and online (Zoom) - Everywhere)*

09.30h – Intro and welcome
10:00h - OmpSs@FPGA Overview and Internals
10.40h - HLS highlights
11:00h - Case of Study: Step-by-Step Optimization w/ Interactive Quiz

13:00h – Lunch Break

Session 2 / 2:00pm – 4:00 pm

Only for people attending on site (A5S112), as Zedboard FPGAs will be lent to attendees*

14.00h – Hands-on: Matrix multiply on Zedboard (same case as step-by-step)*
16:00h - Adjourn * Zedboard FPGAs provided to do the hands-on.