[ONLINE] Deep Learning with Keras @ UL

Workshop will take place over ZOOM

Workshop will take place over ZOOM



In the workshop with a focus on Deep learning with Keras you will get acquainted with the Keras library and its use through deep learning practical examples. In recent years, deep learning has spread from academic circles and found its place in industry, advertising, healthcare, banking, security etc. In the workshop the most useful neural network architectures and their components will be presented. The different models will be implemented within the Colaboratory cloud service, which includes all the necessary software and enables easy code sharing and execution on Google's high-performance infrastructure (GPU, TPU). Through examples, you will be acquainted with the main types of data structures for machine learning and how we use them in conjunction with neural networks. We will present guidelines for designing an appropriate model and the common obstacles that encounter in deep learning algorithms


Na delavnici s poudarkom na globokem učenju s Kerasom se boste na praktičnih primerih seznanili s knjižnico Keras in njeno uporabo. V zadnjih letih se je globoko učenje razširilo iz akademskih krogov v industrijo, oglaševanje, zdravstvo, bančništvo, varnovanju podatkov itd. Na delavnici bodo predstavljene najbolj uporabne arhitekture nevronskih mrež in njihove komponente. Različni modeli bodo implementirani v okviru storitve v oblaku Colaboratory, ki vključuje vso potrebno programsko opremo in omogoča enostavno skupno rabo in izvajanje kode na Googlovi visoko zmogljivi infrastrukturi (GPU, TPU). Skozi primere se boste seznanili z glavnimi tipi podatkovnih struktur za strojno učenje in kako jih uporabljamo v povezavi z nevronskimi mrežami. Predstavili bomo smernice za oblikovanje ustreznega modela in pogoste ovire, ki se nanašajo na algoritme globokega učenja.  

Event is organised by LECAD Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Participation is free of charge! 

In light of COVID-19 situation, this will be an online event.
ZOOM link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85875464173?pwd=aEdkeWh5UVdtbW5kMzNSekRmYzBQQT09

Organized by

Laboratory LECAD
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Ljubljana