Apr 25 – 29, 2022
Online course
CET timezone

This course will take place as an online event. The link to the streaming platform will be provided to the accepted registrants only.

GPU-accelerated computing drives current scientific research. Writing fast numeric algorithms for GPUs offers high application performance by offloading compute-intensive portions of the code to an NVIDIA GPU. The course will cover basic aspects of GPU architectures and programming. Focus is on the usage of the parallel programming language CUDA C/C++ which allows maximum control of NVIDIA GPU hardware. Examples of increasing complexity will be used to demonstrate optimization and tuning of scientific applications.

Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction to GPU/Parallel computing
  • Programming model CUDA
  • GPU libraries like cuBLAS and cuFFT
  • Tools for debugging and profiling
  • Performance optimizations
  • Advanced GPU programming model
  • CUDA Fortran in a nutshell

Prerequisites: Some knowledge about Linux, e.g. make, command line editor, Linux shell, experience in C/C++

25-29 April 2022, 09:00-13:00 each day

Registrations are only considered until 9 April 2022, the maximal number of participants is limited. Applicants will be notified, whether they are accepted for participitation.

Instructors: Dr. Jan Meinke, Jochen Kreutz, Dr. Kaveh Haghighi-Mood, Dr. Andreas Herten, JSC; Jiri Kraus, Markus Hrywniak, NVIDIA

For any questions concerning the course, please send an e-mail to j.meinke@fz-juelich.de

Online course