This workshop is a follow up on the PRACE -6IP Lightweight virtualization activity, to establish a working group of experts for deploying HPC containers on EuroHPC systems
- LUMI introduction
- Software stack management and platforms, and ways of working for the support teams
- HPC containers runtimes
- State of the art:
- Containers support in LUMI/VEGA/...
- Use cases
- Which use cases to support and the level of support
- MPI containers
- User-built (practices guides)
- System supported
- Official containers from Vendors (NVIDIA/AMD/...)
- Support team maintained (maintenance plans)
- Portable containers
- Developing portable e.g. NVIDIA/MI250 containers
- Portable MPI containers
- which methods
- Sharing of portable containers for EuroHPC systems
- Work plan for the future of containers on EuroHPC systems