This BSC course is free of charge. This course will be held online via Zoom.

Course convener:

Ane Beatriz Eguzkitza, Established researcher, BSC-CASE, Physical and Numerical Modelling Group

Mariano Vázquez, Established Researcher, BSC-CASE, Physical and Numerical Modelling Group


C. Teijeiro-Barjas, SURFsara
Okba Hamitou, Atos
Andrea Townsend-Nicholson, UCL
Alexander Heifetz, Evotec
Arnau Montagud, BSC, PerMedCoE
Silvia Ceccacci, BSC
Beatriz Eguzkitza, BSC
Jelle van Dijk, University of Amsterdam

Objectives: The objetive of this course is to give a panorama on the use of hpc-based computational mechanics in Biomedical Sciences. The training is delivered in collaboration with the centers of excellence CompBioMed2 and PerMedCoE.

Learning Outcomes:  The course gives a wide perspective and the latest trends of how HPC helps in biomedical applications allowing to achieve more realistic multiphysics simulations. In addition, the student has the opportunity of running Jobs in Marenostrum supercomputer.

Level:  All courses are designed for MSc and PhD students in STEM or Medical sciences.

Online via Zoom
Registration for this event is currently open.