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- Marco Evangelos Biancolini "Tor Vergata" University of Rome
Marco Evangelos BIANCOLINI
"Tor Vergata" University of Rome
- Speaker at RBF morph hands-on
- Alexander Dopf CADFEM
Jožef Duhovnik
University of Ljubljana, PRACE coordinator for Slovenia
- Speaker at Opening and Welcome address
- Michel Gazaix ONERA
- Nicolas Gourdain CERFACS
Bernhard Hössl
- Speaker at Hands On Training with HPC
- Speaker at Hands On Training with HPC (cont.)
- Leon Kos University of Ljubljana
- Jens Otto CADFEM
Raffaele Ponzini
- Speaker at BIO-CFD Case-history: Introduction on CFD in hemodynamics
- Speaker at BIO-CFD Tutorial
- Speaker at Sailing Yachts CFD
Christian Römelsberger
- Speaker at EM Example 2: WLAN-Antenna Optimization with HFSS
- Speaker at EM: Summary and discussion
Dimitrios Sofialidis
- Speaker at Boundary Conditions and Solver Settings (Convergence & Accuracy)
- Speaker at Examples of Solving Industrial Cases with Fluent
- Speaker at Fluent Workshop 1: Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer in a Mixing Tee
- Speaker at High-Performance Computing with Fluent (hands-on)
- Speaker at Introduction to CFD
- Speaker at Second Fluent workshop (hands on)
- Speaker at Turbulence Modelling, Heat Transfer & Transient Calculations
Antonio C.M. Sousa
University of Aveiro and New Brunswick
- Speaker at HPC – the Perspective of a CFD Practitioner
- Andreas Veiz CADFEM