HLRS installed HERMIT, a Cray XE6 system with AMD Interlagos processors and a performance of 1 PFlop/s. Currently, the system is extended by a Cray XC30 system. We invite current and future users to participate in this special course on porting applications to our Cray architectures. HERMIT provides our users with a new level of performance. To harvest this potential will require all our efforts. We are looking forward to working with our users on these opportunities.
The first three days, specialists from Cray will support you in your effort porting and optimizing your application on our Cray XE6/XC30.
On the fourth day, Georg Hager and Jan Treibig from RRZE will present detailed information on optimizing codes on the multicore AMD Interlagos and Intel Sandy Bridge processors.
HERMIT is available in Germany and Europe through this link.
The first three days, specialists from Cray will support you in your effort porting and optimizing your application on our Cray XE6/XC30.
On the fourth day, Georg Hager and Jan Treibig from RRZE will present detailed information on optimizing codes on the multicore AMD Interlagos and Intel Sandy Bridge processors.
HERMIT is available in Germany and Europe through this link.