Feb 10 – 14, 2014
BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
CET timezone
Goals: This workshop organized by VI-HPS for the Spanish PRACE Advanced Training Centre hosted by Barcelona Supercomputing Center will: give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools
Programme Overview: Presentations and hands-on sessions are planned on the following topics: Paraver trace analysis tool Dimemas performance prediction tool Score-P instrumentation and measurement infrastructure Scalasca automated trace analysis toolset Vampir interactive trace analysis toolset Periscope automated performance analysis tool MAQAO binary analysis & optimization tool MUST runtime error detection tool for MPI

The workshop will be held in English and run from 09:00 to not later than 18:00 each day, with breaks for lunch and refreshments. On the first day the course starts at 14:00 and on the last finishes at 16:30.
There is no fee for participation, however, participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.

Hardware and Software Platforms MareNostrum-III: 36 IBM iDataPlex racks with a total of 3,056 compute nodes with dual Intel Xeon E5-2670 (SandyBridge-EP) 2.6 GHz 8-core processors with 2-way SMT and 32 GB memory per node, Mellanox Infiniband interconnection network, SuSE Linux, IBM POE MPI, Intel compilers, LSF batch software, GPFS parallel filesystem.
The local HPC system MareNostrum-III is the primary platform for the workshop. Course accounts will be provided during the workshop to participants.
Other systems where up-to-date versions of the tools are installed can also be used when preferred, though support may be limited and participants are expected to already possess user accounts on non-local systems. Regardless of whichever systems they intend to use, participants should be familiar with the relevant procedures for compiling and running their parallel applications (via batch queues where appropriate).
Participants are expected to bring and use their own notebook computers with SSH and X11 software configured to connect to the HPC systems and run interactive graphical tools.
BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
Room VS219, building Vertex; S denotes that the room is 2 floors below the entrance level.
For details go to http://bsc.es/education
Programme in Detail
Day 1: Monday 10 February

14:00 Welcome & registration
Introduction to VI-HPS & overview of tools
Introduction to parallel performance engineering
Parallel file I/O bottlenecks and solutions
15:30 (break)
16:00 Lab setup
MareNostrum-III hardware and software environment
Building and running NPB-MZ-MPI/BT-MZ on MareNostrum-III
17:30 (adjourn)
Day 2: Tuesday 11 February
09:00 Paraver tracing tools suite
Paraver hands-on exercises
10:45 (break)
11:15 Dimemas performance prediction
Dimemas hands-on exercises
13:00 (lunch)
14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). 17:00 Review of day and schedule for remainder of workshop
17:30 (adjourn)
Day 3: Wednesday 12 February
09:00 Score-P instrumentation & measurement toolset
Score-P hands-on exercises CUBE hands-on exercises
10:45 (break)
11:15 Score-P analysis scoring & measurement filtering
Measuring hardware counters and other metrics
Scalasca automated trace analysis
Scalasca hands-on exercises
13:00 (lunch)
14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). 17:00 Review of day and schedule for remainder of workshop
17:30 (adjourn)
Day 4: Thursday 13 February
09:00 Vampir interactive trace analysis
Vampir hands-on exercises
Score-P advanced configuration
TAU ParaProf / PerfExplorer
10:45 (break)
11:15 Periscope automated analysis
Periscope hands-on exercises
13:00 (lunch)
14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). 17:00 Review of day and schedule for remainder of workshop
17:30 (adjourn)
Day 5: Friday 14 February
09:00 MUST correctness checking
MUST hands-on exercises
10:45 (break)
11:15 MAQAO assembly optimization
MAQAO hands-on exercises
13:00 (lunch)
14:00 Hands-on coaching to apply tools to analyze participants' own code(s). Review
15:00 (break)
15:30 (adjourn or continue with work to 16:30)