Jul 7 – 11, 2014
Fakulteta za strojništvo and FIŠ Novo mesto
CET timezone
Summer HPC week organized for undergraduate and graduate students at two locations simultaneously:
  1. University of Ljubljana,  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, Ljubljana (ULFME)
  2. Faculty of Information studies, Ulica talcev 3, Novo Mesto (FIS)
Morning lectures and live demonstrations on HPC are prepared by ULFME and FIS and broadcasted from one site to other. In the afternoon hands-on trainings in computing classrooms are conveyed at each site with different excercises on HPCFS supercomputer. On Thursday there will be organized transport from Novo mesto to Ljubljana and back. See attached programme for details.
Participants will receive accounts on supercomputer HPCFS for hands-on from both sites.

Important notices for participants will be published on local WEB page (http://hpc.fs.uni-lj.si/cs14).
Fakulteta za strojništvo and FIŠ Novo mesto
II/5, IV/2 and P2
Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA