1:30 PM
Michael Bader (Tech.Univ. Munchen-Germany) - Optimizing a dynamic rupture and earthquake simulation code for SuperMUC, Tianhe-2 and Stampede
1:55 PM
Gianmaria Sannino (ENEA - Italy) - Modelling the Mediterranean region under the Prace NEMERTE Projectr: towards enhanced resolution, accurate Strait of Gibraltar description and tidal forcing effects.
2:20 PM
Cosimo Solidoro (OGS -Italy)- Global Sensitivity analysis of the Mediterranean sea biogeochemical model.
2:45 PM
Daniel Roten (SDSC - USA) - INCITE
3:10 PM
Bryan Lawrence (NCAS and Uni. Reading-UK) - "Joint Weather and Climate High-Resolution Global Modelling: Future Weathers and their Risks"
3:35 PM