Software development tools@MdS

Salle de formation ( 045) (Maison de la Simulation)

Salle de formation ( 045)

Maison de la Simulation

Digitéo labs/Bât 565 CEA/Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette France
Scientific software projects become increasingly complex, and tools have evolved to help manage the complexity, keep track of the project life cycle, as well as maintain code quality. The course will presents some of the tools that are most useful for the development of scientific applications.

  • Version control with git
  • Build management with cmake
  • Unit tests with cUnit
  • Continuous integration with Travis
  • Bug tracking with GitHub
  • Coding style with kwstyle
  • Project management with Scrum and XP

A large part of the course will be devoted to hands-on session, illustrating the tools on a typical (small-size) project

Learning outcomes
Knowledge of best practices for software development.
Awareness of some advanced tools to help manage scientific programs.

Knowledge of Unix, and basic knowledge of C programming.
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