Apr 16 – 17, 2015
BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
CET timezone

Objectives: The objective of this course is to present to potential users the new configuration of MareNostrum and a introduction on how to use the new system (batch system, compilers, hardware, MPI, etc).Also It will provide an introduction about RES and PRACE infrastructures and how to get access to the supercomputing resources available.

Learning Outcomes: The students who finish this course will know the internal architecture of the new MareNostrum, how it works, the ways to get access to this infrastructure and also some information about optimization techniques for its architecture.

Level: ITERMEDIATE -for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course

Prerequisites:  Any potential user of a HPC infrastructure will be welcome

BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
Room VS 218, Vertex building
For details go to http://bsc.es/education


Thursday – 16th April 2015/ 9am - 5pm
09:00 Introduction to BSC, PRACE PATC and this training - David Vicente
09:30 MareNostrum III – the view from System administration group - Javier Bartolomé

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Visualization at BSC - Carlos Tripiana
11:30 How to use MareNostrum3: BASIC Things, BATCH system, Filesystems, Compilers, Modules, DT, DL, BSC commands - Miguel Bernabeu, Borja Arias
12:15 Hands-on I - Miguel Bernabeu, Borja Arias

13:00 Lunch (not hosted)

14:30 How to use MN3 – Advanced I MPI implementations (PR), MPI IO (PR), Tuning MPI values for different applications (DV)  - Pablo Ródenas, Janko Strassburg, David Vicente
15:15 Hands-on II - Pablo Ródenas, David Vicente

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 How to use MN3 – Advanced II GREASY (PR), MIC (JR), Mathematical libraries MKL (JR) - Pablo Ródenas, Jorge Rodríguez

17:00 End of the first day

Friday – 16th April 2015/ 9am - 1:30pm
09:00 You choose! - MareNostrum III visit (In the chapel) - Doubts + Hands ON + Tunning your app (In the classroom) - David Vicente, Jorge Rodríguez
09:30 How can I get resources from you? - RES Jorge Rodríguez
10:00 How can I get Resources from you? - PRACE Janko Strassburg

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Use case: Genomics - Miguel Bernabeu
11:25 Tuning applications   BSC performance tools (Extrae and Paraver) - BSC Tools Team
12:00 Hands-on III – Performance tools and tunning your application - BSC Tools Team
13:00 Wrap-up : Can we help you in your porting ? How ? when ? - David Vicente

13:30 END of COURSE