25–28 Nov 2014
Athens (Greece)
Europe/Athens timezone

Case Study: Application of Mixed Mode Programming (MPI+OpenMP) in a Real-World Scientific Code

Not scheduled
Athens (Greece)

Athens (Greece)

OTE Academy Pelika & Spartis 1, Maroussi, 151 22, Athens Phone: +30 210 611 4400, Fax: +30 210 611 4833 A map showing the exact location of OTEAcademy can be found here: http://oteacademy.com/contact-us


Mr Nikolaos Tryfonidis (AUTH)


In this case study we will go through the steps taken in order to introduce Threaded Parallelism (OpenMP) into a scientific code already parallelized with MPI. The whole process will be reviewed, from initial benchmarks and profiling to the verification of results and final benchmarks.

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