Programming paradigms for new hybrid architectures@Cineca

Cineca - Casalecchio di Reno (BO)

Cineca - Casalecchio di Reno (BO)

via Magnanelli 6/3 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) ITALY

Objectives of this course are: 1) to provide a comprehensive overview of the architectural trends in the HPC field; 2) to illustrate the different emerging hybrid architectures; 3) to provide the basis of the programming techniques suitable for hybrid architectures

Target Audience:
This course is addressed to computational scientists that already have familiarity with HPC programming tools and who want to extend their knowledge about new emerging architectures.


- Overview of the architectural trends in HPC

- GP-GPUs and elements of CUDA

- Intel MIC architecture and programming approach

- Basis of OpenCL programming

- Future trends: the Exascale challenge.


Knowledge of C/C++ or Fortran is mandatory. Knowledge of MPI or OpenMP and previous experience in HPC simulations is a plus.

The lunch for the three days will be offered to all the participants and some grants are available. The only requirement to be eligible is to be not funded by your institution to attend the course and to work or live in an institute outside the Milano area. The grant  will be 300 euros for students working and living outside Italy and 150 euros for students working and living in Italy (outside Bologna). Some documentation will be required and the grant will be paid only after a certified presence of minimum 80% of the lectures.

Further information about how to request the grant, will be provided at the confirmation of the course: about 3 weeks before the starting date.

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