Feb 1 – 2, 2016
BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
CET timezone

Objectives: Explain the different components that MareNostrum III is composed, which were the design decisions taken and why.
Explain how the system administration is taken in this Petaflop system.

Learning Outcomes: The students will learn how MareNostrum III is organized and how it works. This can have some insights and ideas about how to manage clusters of thousands of nodes in a HPC or no-HPC environment.

Level: ITERMEDIATE: for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course

Prerequisites: Experience on Linux system administration is required.

BSC, Barcelona UPC, Campus Nord
Vertex Building, VS208
For details go to http://bsc.es/education

Course Program Outline:

Day 1/ Session 1

  • Introduction & outline of the course (9h- 9:20h)
  • MareNostrum III Overview (9:20h-9:40h)
  • Storage in MareNostrum III (9:40h-10:40h)

COFFEE BREAK 10:40h – 11h

  • Networks on MareNostrumIII (11h-11:30h)
  • Clustering Software (11:30h -13h)

Session 2

  • Practice on clustering software (14h-15:30h)
  • Monitoring MareNostrumIII (15:30h-16:30h)
  • MareNostrumIII Facility (16:30h-17h)


  • Visit to MareNostrumIII (17h-18h)


Day2/ Session 3

  • MareNostrumIII Schedule system (9h-10h)
  • PRACE Project and Services (10h-11h)

COFFEE BREAK 11h – 11:15h

  • MareNostrumIII software stack (11:15h-12h)
  • Questions/Wrap-up (12h-12:30h)

End of Course