Modern HPC Development for Scientists and Engineers
Impressions and Material from the PRACE Autumn School 2016
Following the tradition of the PRACE Spring School 2014, the PRACE Autumn School 2016 will take place on September 27-30 at the Castle of Hagenberg in Austria. The programme offers a unique opportunity to bring users, developers and industry together to learn more about the development of scalable applications on modern computer architectures (massively parallel systems as well as many-integrated-core architectures).
The four day program includes:
- a 1-day presentation and interaction track bringing together researchers and attendees from industry and academia to discuss a variety of applications of HPC in Europe;
- two 3-day workshop tracks with lecturers from industry and academia and hand-on sessions on
- Parallel Programming with OpenMP and MPI
- Intel Xeon Phi Programming
- Parallel IO
- PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
- Tools for Performance Analysis
- Advanced Parallel Programming
The program is free of charge (not including travel and accommodation). For the hands-on sessions, participants are expected to bring their own laptops.
Applications are open to researchers, academics and industrial researchers residing in PRACE member countries, and European Union Member States and Associated Countries. All lectures and training sessions will be in English.
This PRACE Seasonal School event is being hosted and coordinated jointly by the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation/Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria), the RISC Software company, Hagenberg (Austria), and IT4Innovations/ VSB-Technical University of Ostrava (Czech Republic).
Registration Deadline: July 1, 2016.
Free of charge (not including travel and accommodation).
The number of places is limited.