This workshop will cover the directive-based programming model based on OpenMP v4 and OpenACC v2 whose multivendor support allows users to portably develop applications for parallel accelerated supercomputers.
The workshop will also demonstrate how to use the Cray Programming Environment tools to identify application bottlenecks, facilitate the porting, provide accelerated performance feedback and to tune the ported applications. The Cray scientific libraries for accelerators will be presented, and interoperability of the directives approach with these and with CUDA will be demonstrated. Through application case studies and tutorials, users will gain direct experience of using both OpenMP and OpenACC directives in realistic applications. Users may also bring their own codes to discuss with Cray specialists or begin porting.
This course provides scientific training in Computational Science, and in addition, the scientific exchange of the participants among themselves.

Registration For academic participants within EU or PRACE member countries: see Registration button on the left. After your registration, you will receive an automated "congratulations"-email about your successful registration. This email implies that you have a guaranteed seat in the course and you should organize your travel.
For other participants, please apply for the HLRS course 2016-XK.
Deadline for registration is February 28, 2016 (extended deadline).
Fee Members of German universities and public research institutes: none,
Members of universities and public research institutes within EU or PRACE member countries: none
Others: Please apply for the HLRS course 2016-XK.
Further informations For further informations see HLRS course 2016-XK.