July 4, 2016 to August 31, 2016
CET timezone


List of projects by institution (and mentors) - students

1. BSC, Spain

– 1601: Visualization data pipeline in PyCOMPSs/COMPSs (Fernando Cucchietti) - Ms. KYPRAIOU, Sofia, Grece

– 1602: Development of sample application in PyCOMPSs/COMPSs (Rosa M Badia) - Mr. FORTE, Marco, Ireland

2. CasToRC, Cyprus

– 1603: Topological susceptibility by direct calculation of the eigenmodes (Constantia Alexandrou) - Mr. LAHERT, Shaun, Ireland

– 1604: Mixed-precision linear solvers for lattice QCD (Giannis Koutsou) - ABDULLAHI HASSAN, Ambra, Italy

3. CC SAS, Slovakia

– 1605: Calculation of nanotubes by utilizing the helical symmetry properties  (J. Noga) - GALATA, Katerina, Greece

– 1606: Apache Spark: Bridge between HPC and Big Data?  (Michal Pitoňák) - Mr. BENSON, Oisín, Ireland

4. CINECA, Italy

– 1607: In Situ or BAtch VIsualization  of biogeochemical state of the Mediterranean Sea  (Paolo Lazzari) - Mr. VALENTA, Petr, Czech Republic

– 1608: In Situ VIsualization of NAvier-Stokes Tornado Effect (Sandro Frigio) - Mr. DOGRA, Anurag, Germany


– 1609: Parallelising Scientific Python applications (Neelofer Banglawala) - Ms. CUDOVA, Marta, Czech Republic

– 1610: Weather forecasting for outreach on Wee Archie supercomputer  (Nick Brown) - Mr. SUBIC, Tomislav, Croatia

– 1611: Smartphone Task Farm (Amy Krause) - Mrs. GRADOU, Anna, Greece

6. GRNET, Greece

– 1612: Re-ranking Virtual Screening results in computer-aided drug design (Zoe Cournia) - Mr. EIROS ZAMORA, Juan, United Kingdom

– 1613: Molecular Dynamics simulation of the E545K PI3Ka mutant (Zoe Cournia) - Ms. MAKURAT, Samanta, Poland

7. ICHEC, Ireland

– 1614: Development of a Performance Analytics Dashboard (Michael Lysaght) - Mr. WRIGHT, Thomas, United Kingdom

– 1615: Visualisation of fluids and waves (Adam Ralph) - Mr.  BLAHOŠ , Jiří, Czech Republic

8. IT4I, Czech Republic

– 1616: Visualization of real motion of human body based on motion capture technology (Petr Strakoš) - Ms. SARIKAYA, Gözde, Turkey

– 1617: Journey to the centre of the human body (Milan Jaroš) - Mr. RODRIGUEZ SEGRELLES, Alejandro, Spain

9. JCS, Germany

– 1618: Shape up or ship out – You decide! (Andreas Beckmann) - Mr. PEKKILÄ, Johannes, Finland

– 1619: Phine quarks and cude gluons (Stefan Krieg) - Mr. LABUS, Peter, Italy

10. UL, Slovenia

– 1620: The  CFD devil is in the CAD detail (Marijo Telenta) - Mr. HEWITT, Sam, United Kingdom

– 1621: Link prediction in large-scale networks with Hadoop framework (Andrej Kastrin) - Mr. LANGO, Mateusz, Poland