The PRACEdays16 programme will follow the tradition set by the 2014 and 2015 editions and will include international keynote presentations from high-level scientists and researchers from academia and industry, including among others Sharon Broude Geva, Director of Advanced Research Computing (ARC), University of Michigan, United States; Christoph Gümbel, Director Virtual Vehicle, Porsche AG, Germany; and Martin Winter, European Chemical Industry Council.
On Wednesday 11 May, 18 parallel sessions will provide opportunities to 12 scientists and 6 industrial researchers to present their work and interact with the audience. On the last day a closing panel moderated by Tom Wilkie of Scientific Computing World will wrap up the conference. A poster session and cocktail reception, an Open Session of the PRACE User Forum, a networking dinner, and several Awards complete the three-day event.
The EXDCI project, coordinated by PRACE together with ETP4HPC, will organise workshops alongside PRACEdays16 on Monday 9 and Thursday 12 May. Registration for the EXDCI workshop will be opened in the coming weeks and will be free of charge. The ETP4HPC workshop is on invitation only. The entire week including the EXDCI workshop, PRACEdays16, and the ETP4HPC Workshop forms the first edition of the European HPC Summit Week.
The registration page can be found here: Please register before 29 April. You will be asked to pay nominal conference fee of € 60 per participant which will give access to all sessions and the social programme. Special rates for the hotel rooms at the conference venue (Orea Pyramida Hotel) are applicable until 10 March. A link to book directly at the conference hotel will be sent to you with your registration confirmation.
Sergi Girona of Barcelona Supercomputing Centre in Spain chairs the PRACEdays16 Organisation and Programme Committee (OPC) and with Veronica Teodor of Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany as Vice-Chair of the OPC. The other OPC members are: Alison Kennedy, Chair of the PRACE Board of Directors; Petros Koumoutsakos, Chair of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee; Anders Rhod Gregersen, Chair of the PRACE Industrial advisory Committee; Lee Margetts, Vice-Chair of the PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee; Koen Hillewaert, Chair of the PRACE User Forum; Marjolein Oorsprong, PRACE Communications Officer; Silke Lang PRACE Communications Assistant; and Karina Pešatová and Tomáš Karásek of IT4Innovations as local hosts.
PRACEdays16 is organized by PRACE aisbl and IT4Innovations with funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2014-2020) under grant agreement 653838.
19:45 start busses to the city centre