PRACE and the BioExcel Center of Excellence are bringing together for the first time the main developers of four of the major and most popular codes for molecular modelling and simulations - GROMACS, AMBER, NAMD and VMD. This is a great opportunity for novice and experienced users to learn from the very authors of the software.
The 2017 Spring School is organized jointly between PRACE, the main HPC resource provider in Europe and the BioExcel Center of Excellence. The school program will allow participants to get a comprehensive introduction to the different codes; to understand their scalability and performance, as well as ways to avoid potential issues; to learn the best practices about using them on HPC systems. Extensive hands-on sessions will cover more than half of time during the school.
The course will take place at the computer laboratories at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm under the guidance of the PDC Center for High Performance Computing. Participants will be able to run on the PRACE Tier‐1 system Beskow, the largest Tier-1 system within the Nordic countries.
The school is also supported by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC).
The program is free of charge (though you are responsible for your own travel and accommodation costs). For the hands-on sessions, participants can bring their own laptops, in that case you have to make sure that all the required software (a detailed list including expected versions will be communicated in advance) is installed once the course starts.
Researchers, academics and industrial researchers residing in PRACE member countries, or European Union Member States and Associated Countries are welcome to apply to attend the school. All lectures and training sessions will be in English.
Registration Opening: 23rd of January 2017.
Registration Deadline: extended until 24th of March 2017
Free of charge (not including travel and accommodation).
Please note that the number of places is limited, so register early to be sure of a place.
Additionally, BioExcel will be providing a limited number of travel bursaries for a fixed amount (€120 per day of the course) for this event.
If you would like to be considered for a travel bursary, please contact Vera Matser - matser@ebi.ac.uk. Please note that the travel grants will be awarded on a competitive basis and additional documentation, such as a letter of support and a biography, will need to be submitted in order to apply. More details about the travel bursary are found on the BioExcel webpages.