PRACE 2017 Winter School-Tel Aviv-Fuelling Scientific Discovery with HPC Infrastructure

Tel Aviv Israel

Tel Aviv Israel

Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

The PRACE 2017 Winter School will feature a rich introductory workshop on how to use PRACE resources. The tentative program can be found in the Timetable tab. Sessions will be a mix of frontal lectures and hands-on workshops. Attendance is limited to 60 people. The school is offered free of charge to researchers, academics and industrial users, residing in PRACE member states and eligible countries. It is the responsibility of the attendees to arrange and cover travel and accommodation. The school's official language is English. For the 4 day workshop sessions, attendees are expected to bring their own laptop (with ssh support).

    • 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
      Introduction: MPI and Open MP Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Lecture and Hands-on Session
      Instructor: Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Convener: Dr Guy Tel-Zur (Ben Gurion University of the Negev and NRCN)
    • 12:45 PM 4:45 PM
      Parallel I/O Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Sebastian Lührs

      Convener: Dr Sebastian Lührs (Jülich Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum)
    • 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
      Parallel I/O (cont.) Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Sebastian Lührs

      Convener: Sebastian Luhrs (JSC)
    • 12:45 PM 4:45 PM
      Performance Analysis & Tuning Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Dr. Bernd Mohr

      Convener: Dr Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum)
    • 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
      GPU Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Dr. Jan Meinke

      Convener: Dr Jan H. Meinke (Jülich Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum)
    • 12:45 PM 4:45 PM
      Intel Xeon Phi Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Dr. Jan Meinke

      Convener: Jan Meinke (JSC)
    • 8:30 AM 12:00 PM
      GPU algorithm design: GPU architecture and programming and methods for adapting algorithms for efficient GPU utilization Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel
      Convener: Prof. Dennis Rapaport (Bar-Ilan University)
    • 1:00 PM 4:45 PM
      LAMMPS IUCC Conference Room, Software Engineering Bldg. 4th Floor

      IUCC Conference Room, Software Engineering Bldg. 4th Floor

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Prof. Dan Mordehai

      Convener: Prof. Dan Mordehai (Technion-Israel Inst. of Technology)
    • 1:00 PM 4:45 PM
      Multiprocessing in Python at Node & Cluster Level and cluster level Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Room 106, Porter School of Environmental Studies Building

      Tel Aviv Israel

      Tel Aviv University Campus Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

      Instructor: Mordechai Butrashvily

      Convener: Mr Mordechai Butrashvily (Tel Aviv University)