This event is 3-day workshop whose aim is to introduce CFD researchers to use OpenFOAM suite for developing and optimize CFD applications running on HPC systems. It will cover the state-of-the-art of CFD applications using OpenFOAM on HPC cluster (MPI and hybrid versions), a discussion on the current scalability bottlenecks of OpenFOAM on massively parallel clusters and how to visualize with ParaView large datasets produced by CFD simulations. Academic and industrial use cases will be also presented and discussed.
HPC proficiency for OpenFOAM.
Basic knowledge of C++, MPI, OpenMP and HPC environment.
Agenda and Presentations
Price: free of charge
- Computational Fluid Dynamics concepts
- OpenFOAM suite
- Hybrid cluster PLX
- Visualization of data with ParaView
- Use cases
HPC proficiency for OpenFOAM.
Basic knowledge of C++, MPI, OpenMP and HPC environment.
Agenda and Presentations
Price: free of charge