Mastering GPU-Acceleration on OpenPOWER Platform for Optimal Application Performance @ MdlS / Idris



Campus universitaire d'Orsay rue John Von Neumann Bâtiment 506 F-91403 Orsay cedex

Presentation of the new Open Power - Nvidia prototype recently installed at Idris (see for details on the installed machine)

The training will introduce propspective users to this innovative architecture. It will present the programming models and tools available, as well as hilight the best practices, so as to obtain optimal performance when porting applications. 

Preliminary program

  • Welcome 
  • OpenPOWER IBM P8+ architecture 
  • New Nvidia GPU Tesla P100 architecture  
  • Programing models & Software stack 
  • Scientific libraries and  "GPU-Aware" runtimes 
  • OpenACC on Ouessant2 [+ Hands-On] 
  • OpenMP on Ouessant2 [+ Hands-On] 
  • Conclusion  

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