Mar 22 – 23, 2018
VŠB - Technical University Ostrava, IT4Innovations building
CET timezone

Numerical simulations conducted on current high-performance computing (HPC) systems face an ever growing need for scalability. Larger HPC platforms provide opportunities to push the limitations on size and properties of what can be accurately simulated. Serial approaches on handling I/O in a parallel application will dominate the performance on massively parallel systems. Heterogeneity of platforms can impose a high level of maintenance, when different data representations are needed. Portable, self-describing data formats such as HDF5 are examples of already widely used data formats within certain communities.

See for further information and a detailed timetable.

This training is organized as ajoint event between the IT4Innovations National Supercomputing CenterMaison de la Simulation and Cines  (PATC in France) and Jülich Supercomputing Center (PATC in Germany). 

VŠB - Technical University Ostrava, IT4Innovations building
Ostrava Czech Republic