Oct 30 – 31, 2018
CET timezone

In a fast evolving HPC ecosystem with the planed creation of the Joint Undertaking EuroHPC by end of this year, a strong coordination within the HPC stakeholders in Europe will be needed for designing the future European HPC landscape. The need for a closer cooperation is shared as well by the EC.

In order to join forces and better coordinate our activity for the HPC community, PRACE-5IP with the support of EXDCI-2 is kindly inviting you to attend a two-day workshop planned from morning of the first day until late afternoon of the second day (please see Timetable for the exact starting and ending time) near Juelich (easy to reach), Germany, in October 2018.

The main goal of the workshop is:

- To better support the interaction and collaboration between PRACE, CoEs and FET-HPC projects

- To better collaborate at the dissemination level between PRACE, CoEs, FET-HPC projects and EXDCI

- To coordinate the training efforts with the CoEs - To better align the operational services for the HPC ecosystem

- For the PRACE experts to better familiarise themselves with the technologies coming out of the European Exascale projects (including FET-HPC projects) and to continue to familiarise themselves with CoE HPC requirements In this sense, the workshop should act as a venue for match-making between the PRACE + CoEs + FET-HPC projects + EXDCI experts.

The workshop will include a plenary session and parallel sessions for each activity. From PRACE-5IP project´s side, we expect that all WP-leaders and –coleaders and task-leaders will attend.

From the CoEs and FET-HPC projects´ side, we kindly ask the Point of Contacts receiving this e-mail, to forward it to the relevant persons involved in the activities mentioned above. Please note that the participants´ number is limited to max. 90 persons.

Phantasialand Quantum building Schmidt-Löffelhardt GmbH & Co. KG Berggeiststraße 31-41 50321 Brühl <a>https://www.phantasialand.de/en/business-to-pleasure/top-locations/special-locations/quantum/</a>