Performance Analysis and Tools @ BSC

Vertex Building, Room S208 (Barcelona BSC Campus Nord)

Vertex Building, Room S208

Barcelona BSC Campus Nord


The registration to this course is now open. Please, bring your own laptop.  All the PATC courses at BSC are free of charge.

Course convener: Judit Gimenez, Tools Group Manager, Computer Sciences - Performance Tools, BSC

Objectives: The objective of this course is to learn how Paraver and Dimemas tools can be used to analyze the performance of parallel applications and to familiarize with the tools usage as well as instrumenting applications with Extrae.

Learning Outcomes:The students who finish this course will have a basic knowledge on the usage of the BSC performance tools. They will be able to apply the same methodology to their applications, identifying potential bottlenecks and getting hints on how to improve the applications performance.

Level:  INTERMEDIATE - for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge. (All courses are designed for specialists with at least finished 1st cycle degree)


Good knowledge of C/C++

Basic knowledge of CUDA/OpenCL

Basic knowledge of MPI, OpenMP

Course Outline:

Day 1 (May, 20)


Session 1 / 9:30am - 1 pm (1:30 h lectures, 1:30 h practical)

1. Introduction to Paraver

2. Paraver demo

Coffee Break (11:00h-11:30h)

3. Extrae and Paraver guided hands-on

Lunch Break (13:00h-14:00h)


Session 2 / 2 pm- 5:30pm (3 h practical)

Paraver Hands-on

Coffee Break (16:00h-16:15h)


Day 2 (May, 21)


Session 3 / 9:30am- 1 pm

1. Performance Analytics (3 h lectures)

Coffee Break (11:00h-11:30h)

2. Introduction to Dimemas

Lunch Break (13:00h-14:00h)


Session 4 / 2 pm- 5:30 pm (3 h practical)

1. Tools Hands-on

Coffee Break (16:00h-16:15h)

2. Students knowledge test


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