May 13 – 17, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 gathered together the main HPC stakeholders in Europe. The EuroHPC Summit Week, endorsed by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, is organised by PRACE, EXDCI-2 and ETP4HPC.

PRACEdays19 was part of the EuroHPC Summit Week 2019. Similar to previous years, this edition offered a wide variety of workshops covering a number of application areas where supercomputers are key, as well as HPC technologies and infrastructures.

The EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 provided a great opportunity to network with all relevant European HPC stakeholders, from technology suppliers and HPC infrastructures to scientific and industrial HPC users in Europe. EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 was hosted by PRACE’s Polish Member PSNC – Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, and welcomed over 360 participants.

 Photo Gallery

The Wrap up of the EuroHPC Summit Week can be read here:

If you like to print the EuroHPC programme please download the PDF

The following sessions were live streamed:

Open & Welcome (Tuesday 14 May8:30 - 10:15)

PRACEdays - User forum (11:30 - 13:00, Wed 15 May)

PRACE days - Panel Discussion (11:00-12:30, Thu 16 May)

Browse and download Photos of EHPCSW 2019 here:

To help you navigate through our rich programme, the EHPCSW team is introducing a new tool: the Conference4Me mobile app. With this app, you will be able to:

  • Access the full up-to-date programme – both overview and details – updates and changes will visible in real-time
  • Add to your calendar the sessions you want to attend
  • Keep an eye on on-going sessions
  • Display useful information such as maps or wifi code
  • Receive important notifications from our team

Download the app now and start selecting the sessions you do not want to miss: look for Conference4Me in your favourite app store, and then select the EuroHPC Summit Week, or click on the links :

Conference4Me is kindly provided and supported by our host the Poznań Supercomputing Center (PSNC).

Conference4Me QR-code

Please be informed that photography and filming took place during the conference, further details can be read under Terms & Conditions. If you have any further questions, please contact: Communications Team


IBB Andersia Hotel, Plac Andersa 3, 61-894 Poland