PRACE invites contributions for presentations of excellent scientific merit from scientists and researchers from academia and industry. Past and present users of PRACE resources are highly encouraged to submit a contribution. However, it is not necessary that your past or present work was / is supported by PRACE and / or DECI and / or SHAPE to be eligible for this Call.
The conference programme provides space for presentations in limited parallel sessions in the afternoon under PRACEdays19. The maximum length of each presentation is 25 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions from the audience.
Applicants selected for a presentation will receive a free conference pass. Travel and accommodation will not be reimbursed. The standard conference fee is € 60,-
PRACE supports the Women in HPC initiative ( which works towards equal representation in High Performance Computing. The Scientific Steering Committee and Industrial Advisory Committee of PRACE encourage female researchers and scientists to submit their contributions to both the Call for Contributions and the Call for Posters.
Applicants are invited to submit contributions from scientific and/or industrial domains that use HPC. Examples include (in alphabetical order):
- Aeronautics/Aerospace
- Astrophysics
- Automotive/Transport
- Chemistry
- Energy/Renewable Energy
- Engineering/Manufacturing/SMEs
- Environmental Sciences
- Finance
- Life Sciences
- Material Sciences
- Mathematics
- Particle Physics
- Plasma Physics
- Oil & Gas
- Telecommunications/Electronics
Submissions to PRACEdays19
IMPORTANT Please fill out the submission form below . The deadline for submission of contributions is extended until 25 March 2019, 18:00 CET. |
Submissions should include:
- A meaningful title for your contribution.
- A one page abstract
- The details of the author and co-authors:
- Name and contact details, photo and a brief CV/biography of the (main) author especially his/her current position and area of interest. Please note that the CV/biography should be short (about ¼ page in minimum 12 point font type).
- The main domain and possible sub-domains to which the presentation pertains.
The one-page abstract should include:
- A description of the novelty / originality of the science/research project.
- A description of the need for HPC / how HPC was instrumental in obtaining the results.
- A forward-looking statement demonstrating relevance to scientific discoveries, innovation in industry or addressing society’s grand challenges.
For examples see PRACEdays18-presentations.
Submissions as well as the resulting presentations should be tailored to a wide audience, using layperson’s terms and examples where possible.
Criteria for selection
The PRACE Conference Programme Committee, consisting of members of the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and the PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) will review all submissions with the goal of selecting the excellent presentations across as wide a range of scientific and industrial domains as possible.
Submissions will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Novelty / originality of the science/research project.
- The need for HPC to accomplish the results and the way this is highlighted.
- The forward-looking achievements in scientific discoveries or in innovation in industry that should lead to solutions for society’s grand challenges.
In co-operation with the author, PRACE will publish the presentations of the selected submissions on the conference webpage . An example of how this is done can be found here .
Important Dates
- Deadline of Submission of contributions is extended until 25 March 2019, 18:00 CET.
- The outcome of the Call will be communicated to all applicants, whether successful or not, by 1 April 2019
- A successful applicant has the right to decline participation until 5 April 2019, 12:00 (noon) CET, so that an adequate replacement can be found.
Call for Contributions Submission Form |