May 13 – 17, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone


HPC Ecosystem Workshop

May 16, 2019, 5:00 PM
Room H+G

Room H+G


HPC Ecosystem Workshop: Operational Services

  • Dirk Pleiter ()


Start End Agenda Item Speaker
17:00 17:10 Introduction; Dirk Pleiter (JSC)
17:10 17:20 Adapting to the needs of the 2020's scientific computing workloads at CSC Finland; Pekka Manninen (CSC)
17:20 17:40 The experience of PRACE on containers and VM workloads; Abdulrahman Azab (UIO)
17:40 17:50 Technology stacks of HPC and Big Data computing (TBC); Adrian Tate (Cray)
17:50 18:00 Federating services: AAI; Cristiano Padrin (CINECA)
18:00 19:00 Discussion all

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