May 13 – 17, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone


EuroHPC Mini-Symposium - Co-Design Workshop

May 15, 2019, 2:30 PM


EuroHPC Mini-Symposium - Co-Design Workshop

  • Andrea Feltrin ()

EuroHPC Mini-Symposium - Co-Design Workshop

  • Leonardo Flores Añover ()


Co-designing applications with the European Processor Initiative

The co-design with applications is a critical activity in the development of the exascale technology. The European Processor Initiative (EPI) is leading the European effort to develop a competitive solution for the next generation of computing, providing the key components for building Exascale supercomputers based on European hardware and software technologies. This session will bring together the application communities with clear needs for exascale performance and the EPI players to discuss about how to collaborate in the co-design effort in view of the integration of the European technologies in pilots. The final goal will be to ensure that the new European technologies are fully exploited and meet the needs of users and applications addressing grand scientific and societal challenges. This session targets the European technology and application developers (including Centres of Excellence)

Presentation materials

Building timetable...