Productivity tools for High Performance Computing @ IT4Innovations

207 (VŠB - Technical University Ostrava, IT4Innovations building)


VŠB - Technical University Ostrava, IT4Innovations building

Studentská 6231/1B 708 33 Ostrava – Poruba Czech Republic


This is the third edition of our popular HPC training focused on expanding your skills and knowledge in using productivity tools and technologies, to quickly build up an efficient HPC user environment, from scratch, without admin rights. We shall demonstrate several very useful tools and methods tailored to the current supercomputing facilities at IT4Innovations, but which are also easily replicable on any HPC system.

The current topics include:

  • IT4Innovations supercomputing ecosystem - state of the art

In this section, the new IT4Innovations computing systems DGX-2 and the newly upgraded Anselm (newAnselm) as well as the upcoming PROJECT storage will be presented. New technologies available with the DGX-2 and the newAnselm machines will be introduced from a practical standpoint. This includes the new generation processors, the Smart Burst Buffer acceleration to newAnselm's SCRATCH storage, the NVMe storage, the tensor processing capability of the V100 graphics cards, the NVlink and the  Unified memory.  The outlook for the new supercomputers available within the EuroHPC will be given along with updates to user lifecycle policies that accompany the deployment of all the new hardware at IT4Innovations.

  •  GIT technologies - coordinating work among multiple developers

GIT is the world's most used Version Control System. Originally designed for development of the Linux kernel, it has evolved into a universal tool for managing changes in code, configuration and documents, especially if those changes are not done by a single person. We will help you understand how GIT works internally and introduce you to basic GIT commands that may cover up to 99 % of daily GIT usage.

Another section will demonstrate handling of project web pages with GIT. You will learn how to create a web site with GIT and Gitlab Pages. To publish a web site with Pages, you can use any Static Site Generator (SSG), such as MKDocs, Jekyll, Hugo, Middleman, just to name a few. You can also publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can also enable HTTPS on the site.

  • HPC containers - paravirtualization technology

Recently Nvidia chose containers as a software distribution platform for their supercomputer, the DGX-2. We will show you how to use containers using Singularity, convert Docker images, create new containers, and everything else you need to know about a Singularity container in an HPC environment.





Purpose of the course

The participants will broaden their range of techniques for efficient use of HPC by mastering modern technologies for code management and execution.

About the tutors

The tutors are core members of the Supercomputing Services division of IT4Innovations.

Branislav Jansík obtained his PhD in computational chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden in 2004. He took a postdoctoral position at IPCF, Consiglio Niazionale delle Ricerche, Italy, to carry on development and applications of high performance computational methods for molecular optical properties. From 2006 he worked on the development of highly parallel optimization methods in the domain of electronic structure theory at Aarhus University, Denmark. In 2012 he joined IT4Innovations, the Czech national supercomputing centre, as the head of Supercomputing Services. He has published over 35 papers and co-authored the DALTON electronic structure theory code.

Josef Hrabal obtained his Master's Degree in Computer Science and Technology at VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava in 2014. Since then he has contributed to projects within the University, and in 2017 he joined IT4Innovations as an HPC application specialist.

David Hrbáč obtained his Master's Degree in Measurement and Control Engineering at VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava in 1997. Since 1994 he has worked for many IT companies as a system architect and CIO. In 2013 he joined IT4Innovations.

Lukáš Krupčík obtained his Master's Degree in Computer Science and Technology at VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava in 2017. In 2016 he joined IT4Innovations as an HPC application specialist.

Lubomír Prda obtained his Master's Degree in Information and Communication Technologies at VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava in 2010. Before joining the IT4Innovations team as an HPC specialist in 2016, he worked at the Tieto Corporation as a network engineer, and later moved to identity and access management for the company's Nordic and international customers. Lubomír's focus is to manage and maintain the centre's back-end IT infrastructure and services.
