Mar 23 – 26, 2020
Porto, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

PRACEdays20 Call for Posters - Closed


PRACE invites you to present the results of your research or innovation in a poster.

Submissions should take the form of an extended abstract (one page), detailing the novelty or originality of the science or research project and the need for HPC to accomplish the results. The forward-looking achievements should demonstrate scientific discoveries, innovation in industry or address society’s grand challenges.

The number of selected posters will depend on their scientific excellence. Travel and accommodation will not be reimbursed.

PRACE supports diversity and inclusivity in HPC, and encourages applicants of all backgrounds to submit their application to the PRACEdays20 Call for Contributions, the PRACEdays20 Call for Posters, and the PRACEdays20 Hands-on Workshops for Students.


Applicants are invited to send in contributions from any scientific or industrial domain that uses HPC.

The relevant domain should be clearly indicated on the submission. If several domains apply, the main one should be indicated, with the secondary domain(s) in brackets.

Please fill out the submission form below .
The deadline for submission of contributions is
10 January 2019, 18:00 CET.

Submissions should include:

  • A meaningful title for your contribution.

  • An abstract, ~500 words

  • The details of the author and co-authors:

    • Name and contact details, photo and a brief CV/biography of the (main) author especially his/her current position and area of interest. Please note that the CV/biography should be short (about 150 words).

  • The main domain and possible sub-domains to which the presentation pertains.

The one-page abstract should include:

  • A description of the novelty / originality of the science / research project.

  • A description of the need for HPC / how HPC was instrumental in obtaining the results.

  • A forward-looking statement demonstrating scientific discoveries, innovation in industry or addressing society’s grand challenges.

Submissions as well as the resulting posters should be tailored to a wide audience, using layperson’s terms and examples where possible.

We encourage PhD students, postdocs, and co-PIs / collaborators to apply as well.

Successful applicants need to send a high-resolution PDF by 26 February 2020 for printing or bring their poster with them printed A0 in colour.

Criteria for selection

The EHPCSW 2020 and PRACEdays20 Organisation & Programme Committee (OPC) delegates to its members which are representing the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) and the PRACE Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC) the review of all submissions and to select excellent presentations across as wide a range of scientific and industrial domains.

Submissions will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Novelty / originality of the science/research project.

  • The need for HPC to accomplish the results and the way this is highlighted.

  • The forward-looking achievements in scientific discoveries or in innovation in industry that should lead to solutions for society’s grand challenges.


In co-operation with the author, PRACE will publish the abstracts of the selected posters on the conference website together with a photo and details of the presenter (name, institution, country, short biography).

Important Dates

  • The deadline for submission of Posters is extended to 10 January 2020, 18:00 CET

  • The outcome of the Call will be communicated to all applicants, whether successful or not, by 19 December 2019 22 January 2020 24 January 2020

  • A successful applicant has the right to decline participation until 20 December 2019  27 January 2020, 15:00 CET, so that an adequate replacement can be found.

Poster Session

All posters will be on display during the entire conference in the central hall of the conference, where attendees will converge for coffee breaks and lunch. The Poster Session will take place on Tuesday 24 March 2020 during the Cocktail Reception. Authors of posters are requested to be near their poster to answer questions from the audience. The poster session is the perfect venue to share a provocative opinion, interesting, established or preliminary work, or a cool idea that will spark discussion.

Call for Posters Submission Form


The EHPCSW 2020 receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 800957 (EXDCI-2). PRACEdays20 receives funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2014-2020) under grant agreement 823767 (PRACE-6IP).