Mar 18 – 19, 2020
Barcelona BSC Campus Nord
CET timezone

The registration to this course is now open. Please, bring your own laptop. All the PATC courses at BSC are free of charge.

Course Convener: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC

Objectives: Explain the different components that MareNostrum 4 is composed, which were the design decisions taken and why.
Explain how the system administration is taken in this Petaflop system.

Learning Outcomes: The students will learn how MareNostrum 4 is organized and how it works. This can have some insights and ideas about how to manage clusters of thousands of nodes in a HPC or no-HPC environment.

Level: INTERMEDIATE, for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course.

Prerequisites: Experience on Linux system administration is required.

Lecturer: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC

Barcelona BSC Campus Nord
Vertex Building, Room S208

For further details and practical info such as local transport and venue please visit the local course pages for PATC@BSC: