The registration to this course is now open. Please, bring your own laptop. All the PATC courses at BSC are free of charge.
Course Convener: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC
Objectives: Explain the different components that MareNostrum 4 is composed, which were the design decisions taken and why.
Explain how the system administration is taken in this Petaflop system.
Learning Outcomes: The students will learn how MareNostrum 4 is organized and how it works. This can have some insights and ideas about how to manage clusters of thousands of nodes in a HPC or no-HPC environment.
Level: INTERMEDIATE, for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course.
Prerequisites: Experience on Linux system administration is required.
Lecturer: Javier Bartolome, Systems Group Manager, Operations - System Administration, BSC