The present course intends to support the scientific community to efficiently exploit the architecture of the new accelerated partition of Marconi system. More precisely, the course aims at providing a full description of its configuration, with special emphasis on main crucial aspects for users and application developers. For instance, details about compilation, debugging and optimization procedures will be provided, together with an overview of the libraries, tools and applications available on the system. Examples of submission jobs will be discussed, together with scheduler commands and queue definitions.
By the end of the course each student should be able to:
• compile a code on this architecture in a performing way
• run a code taking advantage of accelerated resources
• move easily in the configured hpc environment
Target Audience:
Researchers and programmers who want to use this new accelerated partition of Marconi
No pre-requisites
To attend the course, the students have to submit to the "Online Summer School on Parallel Computing".
Coordinating Teacher: Dr. S.Giuliani