Mar 9 – 12, 2020
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone


Lukas Einkemmer
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck

Lukas has extensive experience in high performance and GPU computing. In addition, to his vast experience in numerical algorithms, he has published research articles on GPU computing and PGAS programming model (mostly for fluid dynamics and plasma physics applications). He has also been a lecturer for the VSC Training Course on shared memory parallelization with OpenMP.

Daniel Ganellari
CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, ETH Zürich

Daniel is a scientific software engineer mainly involved in developing performance portable algorithms targeting different accelerators. Specifically on MARS - a GPU Mesh adaptive refinement open source library using the C++ Kokkos programming model. High performance computing with accelerators, scientific computations and numerical methods for PDEs are his area of expertise.
His previous research was mainly focused on developing algorithms and solvers for massively parallel many-core architectures, using OpenMP, GPU-accelerated HPC architectures using CUDA and distributed memory using MPI.

Philipp Gschwandtner
Senior Scientist, Research Center High Performance Computing, University of Innsbruck

Philipp has a strong background in high performance optimization, GPU computing and working with domain scientists. A major part of his current work is to aid domain scientists in adapting and optimizing their codes to modern, large-scale computer hardware. Furthermore, he has extensive experience in teaching courses in the fields of GPU programming, OpenMP, MPI and parallel computing in general.

Siegfried Höfinger
HPC Specialist, VSC Research Center, TU Wien and Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Michigan Technological University

Siegfried has more than 20 years of experience in applied HPC both in industrial as well as academic settings. In Vienna, he is involved in the VSC Training Courses, particularly covering entry level introductions into GPU computing.

Gunter Roth
NVIDIA Solutions Architect

Matthias Wiesenberger
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark

Matthias is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of magnetic confinement fusion and plasma turbulence. The extreme computational demand of simulations within this field explain his ongoing practical interest in high performance computing in general and GPU computing in particular. Matthias is lead developer of the high performance computing project FELTOR and author of several publications on parallel numerical algorithms and software design.