Mar 10 – 13, 2020
University College Dublin
Europe/Dublin timezone


Deep Learning at Scale

Mar 11, 2020, 11:30 AM
B003, Computer Science Building (University College Dublin)

B003, Computer Science Building

University College Dublin

Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland


Deep Learning at Scale

  • Jony Castagna ()

Deep Learning at Scale

  • Jony Castagna ()

Deep Learning at Scale

  • Jony Castagna ()


These sessions cover how to use multiple GPUs to training neural networks. You'll learn: (a) approaches to multi-GPU training; (b) algorithmic and engineering challenges to large-scale training; (c) key techniques used to overcome the challenges mentioned above. Upon completion, you'll be able to effectively parallelise training of deep neural networks using TensorFlow and Horovod.

Presentation materials

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