10–13 Feb 2014
Tel Aviv University
Israel timezone


The Future of HPC Computing

10 Feb 2014, 08:30
Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University

Ramat Aviv Israel


This session will focus on what technological changes will happen over the next 5 years in the HPC arena. Israeli innovation in this area will be highlighted

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Shlomi Dolev (IUCC)
10/02/2014, 08:30
Mr Hank Nussbacher (IUCC)
10/02/2014, 08:45
Mr Gilad Shainer (VP Marketing, Mellanox), Mr Michael Kagan (CTO & Co-founder, Mellanox)
10/02/2014, 09:05
Mr Eri Rubin (Sagivtech)
10/02/2014, 09:35
Mr Ofri Wechsler (Intel Fellow, Intel Corporation)
10/02/2014, 10:05
Building timetable...