23–27 Sep 2013
University of Ljubljana
CET timezone

High Performance Computing of gas turbine flows: current and future trends

27 Sep 2013, 09:00
Lecture hall IV/2 (University of Ljubljana)

Lecture hall IV/2

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Industry case study Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics


Dr Nicolas Gourdain (CERFACS)


Nicolas Gourdain presents elsA for aerodynamics used by many by industrial partners such as Airbus, SAFRAN, etc. and AVBP for combustion, used by SAFRAN, IFP, etc. The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is mandatory today both for scientific investigation of complex flows and industrial design of gas turbines and aircraft. Further improvement and optimization of such systems currently present one of the most formidable challenges in modern engineering research due to the very stringent requirements for efficiency, pollutant emissions, reliability and safety. Efficient numerical tools coupled with high performance computers, have become a key element of the design process in the fields of energy supply and transportation. However flow phenomena that occur in complex systems such as gas turbines and aircrafts are still not understood mainly because of the models that are needed. In fact, most CFD predictions as found today in industry focus on a reduced or simplified version of the real system (such as a periodic sector) and are usually solved with a steady-state assumption. This course discusses how to overcome such barriers and how this challenges can be addressed by developing flow solvers running on high-end computing platforms, using concurrently thousands of computing cores. Parallel strategies used by modern flow solvers are presented with particular emphases on mesh-partitioning, load balancing and communication.

Presentation materials