23–27 Sep 2013
University of Ljubljana
CET timezone

BIO-CFD Case-history: Introduction on CFD in hemodynamics

25 Sep 2013, 11:00
Lecture room IV/2 (University of Ljubljana)

Lecture room IV/2

University of Ljubljana

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
Industry case study Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics


Dr Raffaele Ponzini (CINECA)


Wide range of haemodynamics CFD application is presented (medical implantable devices, blood filters, multi-scale-models,non-Newtonian rheology,...) to perform in silico health-care research and medical device design. The main expected benefits of the lecture+tutorial for attendants are: - enlarge their knowledge on state of art methods and algorithms; - apply best practices on state-of-the-art software deployment; - experience technical tips-and-tricks throughout the different phases of the tutorial; - learn from case history and practical applications told by CFD expert.

Presentation materials